ASPE Training Courses
I'm happy to announce that I've partnered with ASPE to deliver on-site and online training for software testing. Currently, we've partnered for three courses:

  • Fundamentals of Software Testing

  • Web Testing Fundamentals

  • Test Automation Workshop

I'm currently finalizing materials for each course, but we have dates already set for 2011. Checkout the events page to see where I'll be throughout 2011. If you're interested in details on any of those courses, or my two or three-day Exploratory Testing Practicum, drop me a note at
Software Testing Lightning Talks from IWST
Last month we held the November session of the Indianapolis Workshops on Software Testing (IWST). At the workshop we tried something a bit new. Instead of working with the same topic for five hours, we had each attendee present at least one short five minute talk on a topic of their choice. Some attendees presented more than once. The participants in the workshop were the following:

  • John Galligan

  • Mike Goempel

  • Jason Horn

  • Michael Kelly

  • Ananth Krishnamoorthy

  • Panos Linos

  • Patrick Milligan

  • Jayadev Reddy

  • Chris Scales

In addition to the format switch-up, we also introduced some podcast equipment into the room to capture the talks and the follow up discussion. Below, you'll find links to the audio for each talk along with some notes the IWST organizers put together to help people follow up on some of the topics discussed.

MCOASTER by Mike Kelly

Experiences Testing In Scrum by Patrick Milligan

More Experiences Testing In Scrum by Patrick Milligan

  • The basics of Scrum on Wikipedia.

  • Burn-down Charts on Wikipedia.

  • Checkout the TWiki website for more information on that tool.

  • Checkout the Bugzilla website for more information on that tool.

  • The MoSCoW acronym on Wikipedia.

  • Checkout the Subversion website for more information on that tool.

  • Checkout the Watir website for more information on that tool

Screen Recording APIs by Jason Horn

Testing Mobile by Jayadev Reddy

  • The topic of using emulators for testing came up during the discussion. This post contains a nice listing of some emulators out there today with links for where to find them.

Challenges With Hiring Testers by Mike Goempel

Book Review: How To Break Web Software by Chris Scales

One Trick Ponies by Mike Kelly

  • Checkout the Stella website for more information on that tool.

  • Checkout the Website Grader website for more information on that tool.

  • Checkout the BrowserMob website for more information on that tool.

  • Checkout the spoon website for more information on that tool.

  • Checkout the WebPagetest website for more information on that tool.

  • Checkout the Browsershots website for more information on that tool.

  • Checkout the Web Developer extension website for more information on that tool.

  • During the talk Mike mentioned the concept of blink testing.

  • Checkout the blog for short writeups on these (and similar) tools.

Testing In The Cloud by Jason Horn

  • Jason works for BlueLock, a company that offers hosting/services for the cloud. You can learn more about their products on their website.

  • Jason mentioned VMware and Microsoft Hyper-V as examples of private clouds.

  • Jason talked a bit more about Sauce Labs. Check out their website for more on their hosted Selenium testing services. (There is a free plan available.)

ROI of Test Automation by Ananth Krishnamoorthy

Heuristics For Creating Automated Regression Tests by Mike Kelly

  • Mike mentioned that this content was co-developed with David Christiansen.

  • For more on all pairs testing (and other combinatorics techniques) checkout the Pairwise Testing website.

  • During the questions and answers, Pat Milligan mentioned the tool Hudson. Learn more about Hudson and continuious integration on the Hudson website.

The Omega Tester by Jason Horn

If you like the format, you're in luck... We think we'll be doing something like this a couple times in 2011. Enjoy the audio and if you have any questions or suggestions let me know. You can also help us plan the 2011 workshop topics on the IWST Meetup site, under Ideas.