Excel-based Test Reports (1)
Today's tip is for those testers who use standalone Excel-based reports.
The picture above represents a typical "Summary" tab enlisting reported issues, status, short description, etc. Detailed descriptions along with the images are usually stored on a separate tab.
Now what you can quickly and easily do is to connect 2 data rows from separate tabs with a hyperlink.
The picture above represents a typical "Summary" tab enlisting reported issues, status, short description, etc. Detailed descriptions along with the images are usually stored on a separate tab.
Now what you can quickly and easily do is to connect 2 data rows from separate tabs with a hyperlink.
- Select the cell you want to use as a navigation control (in the example that's an "Issue #" cell).
- In the Excel's Main Menu, select "Insert / Hyperlink".
- In the "Edit Hyperlink" dialog, select "Place in This Document" tab.
- Select target tab name (in the example that's "Screenprints" tab).
- Type in the cell reference (in the example that's "A3").
- Click "OK" to save settings.